A few years ago we were talking about the triangle – Up, In, Out. It represents three relationships that are key to healthy Christian life: UP – our worship of God; IN – our life together as followers of Jesus; OUT – our relationships where we share the good news.

I was reminded of this as I read 1 Thessalonians 3 this week. It’s been a few weeks since we looked at 1 Thessalonians, and you can click here to remind yourself where we got to at the end of chapter 2.
This letter is very earthy, and this chapter paints a picture of Paul’s travels with different companions, and his concern for the Thessalonians after he left them. He was so worried about them that he sent Timothy to find out how they were getting on, and now he is pleased that Timothy has brought him a very positive report, including “good news about your faith and love”.
In fact, almost every verse in the chapter speaks of one relationship or another, and this is what reminded me of the triangle, especially the ‘IN’ corner.
Relationships among the Jesus followers are key for Paul, and he mentions Timothy his ‘co-worker’, the time he spent with the Thessalonians, the memories the Thessalonians have of him, his desire to return to them, and the love the Thessalonians have for each other.
Verse 8 sums up the interconnections Paul values: “For now we really live, since you are standing firm in the Lord.” The relationship that the Thessalonians have with God strengthens and encourages Paul so much that he can even say that it gives him life!
I think this is easy to forget, that our faith and life with God affect each other not just ourselves. We encourage each other in following Jesus as we seek to do that together. When we share time together on Sundays, at church activities or at other times it builds us up and gives us life.
I’m looking forward to having a church lunch again; I hope you are too! It will be so good to be together in this different way, and grow our life together in God. The same goes for events like Connection Point – do drop in on a Thursday morning if you can – as well as our breakfasts and other occasions.
Let’s expect the presence of Jesus as we spend time with each other, and give each other life as we seek to stand firm in Jesus.