Silent in the Background
Why a blog, and why the name? In November 2020 I was given an award for being ‘silent in the background’. Strictly speaking, my wife and I were given an…
Why a blog, and why the name? In November 2020 I was given an award for being ‘silent in the background’. Strictly speaking, my wife and I were given an…
There’s a poem titled Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden which ends with a question about the love of a father. It’s a beautiful little poem about remembering childhood and…
For our church Advent booklet this year, members of the congregation were asked to reflect on Psalm 20.1-5, which is perhaps quite a surprising prayer, and then to offer a…
This (long) post is largely the text of my sermon yesterday at The Good Shepherd, Lee, when we were concluding a short series on the book of Job as well…
Here’s the (approximate!) text of my twin short sermons at The Good Shepherd, Lee on 30 June 2024. Or you can listen here to the Lament and the Hope. Lamentations…
Last Sunday I was privileged to preach for the first time at the church where our family has recently settled, The Church of the Good Shepherd with St. Peter, Lee.…
An Easter journey in nine stories – Paula Gooder A thoughtful imaginative (re-)telling of the stories of nine women who encountered Jesus in the final week of his life (and…
Old Testament Violence and the Shalom of God – Matthew J. Lynch An easy to read and thought provoking exploration of some of the often-quoted ‘violent’ texts of the Old…
Re-reading Luke’s gospel, it’s interesting to see how Luke presents the sonship of Jesus. In my study of Joseph a couple of years ago I focussed on Matthew’s account of…
So far in 2024 I have deliberately tried to be conscious of what I am reading, the effect it is having on me, and what difference this might make to…
This was another eye-opening read for me, as the author, who is mixed race and grew up in Wimbledon, describes, from personal experience, interviews and research, ways in which life…