A-list, B-list…
Preaching at The Good Shepherd on Luke’s Blessings and Woes – Luke 6.17-26; Psalm 1 There’s a Christmas song that is banned in our house: Santa Claus is coming to…
Preaching at The Good Shepherd on Luke’s Blessings and Woes – Luke 6.17-26; Psalm 1 There’s a Christmas song that is banned in our house: Santa Claus is coming to…
Last Sunday I was privileged to preach for the first time at the church where our family has recently settled, The Church of the Good Shepherd with St. Peter, Lee.…
Re-reading Luke’s gospel, it’s interesting to see how Luke presents the sonship of Jesus. In my study of Joseph a couple of years ago I focussed on Matthew’s account of…
Jake’s story was the introduction to this talk at Forest Hill Community Church where I talked (for about 25 minutes) about the Bible’s attitude to vulnerable children and how seeing…
Jake had a big family; he was the second of five brothers, and he had three sisters too. They lived in a small village with mum and dad, until Jake…
A festive tale of trauma & attachment, the reason for the season, future hope, and wilful ignorance. A Christmas Carol and Other Christmas Writings by Charles Dickens My Goodreads rating:…
We’re coming to the end of our summer of miracles at church (although we always hope for more!) and we’ve come to the end of our walk with Elisha in…
It is hard to assimilate all the details of the four gospels’ accounts of Jesus’ resurrection into one account, but that’s how it is with multiple witnesses to an extraordinary…
A series of haiku drawing on John 20, to re-tell what Mary did (and didn’t). What Mary Did (and Didn’t) In the darkest time Mary does not hide at home…
We’re in Holy Week, the week between Palm Sunday and Easter. It’s a busy time for some of us I expect, with the different routine of school holidays. It was…