At the end of Lent 2021, during which I was encouraged by a friend to grow in creativity, I was preparing my talk for church on Easter Sunday. Drawing from John 20, I wanted to explore the narrative through the actions of Mary Magdalene. So I thought I’d try writing a series of haiku to re-tell what Mary did (and didn’t).
What Mary Did (and Didn’t)
In the darkest time
Mary does not hide at home
Goes to see the tomb
Stone is rolled away!
That’s not what we expected
Mary runs to tell
John, Peter – they run
First is last and last is first
Mary alongside
See abandoned clothes!
Peter, John believe and leave
Mary stays and weeps
Stooping in the tomb
Mary encounters angels
“Why are you weeping?”
Turns around – a man!
“Woman, why are you weeping?”
“Where have you laid him?”
“Mary.” It’s that voice!
“Rabbouni” (which means teacher)
Yes! Christ is risen!
“Mary, go at once”
Apostle to apostles
“I have seen the Lord!”
(Picture used by permission –